In 2022 we could see launch of new features on WhatsApp.

 The following features could be launched by WhatsApp in 2022:

  • WhatsApp profile photo in notifications:

For iOS users, WhatsApp is expected to roll out a feature where users can see profile photo in notifications. The feature has been already rolled out for some beta testers on iOS, and will expand the same to other users as well.

  • Hiding last seen from select contacts:
Currently, users can hide their last seen status from all the contacts. In a new feature that might be introduced this year, users can hide their last seen from only select contacts. If this feature is introduced, WhatsApp users can select their persons of choice to show their last seen status.

  • WhatsApp edit:
The messaging giant is reportedly planning to change features on WhatsApp edit on sharing media, where users can know whom they are sending the media. The platform might also allow users to upload their media to their status update while sending them to other contacts.

  • WhatsApp community:
WhatsApp groups are very common for users these days. People of one residential society to classmates to office colleagues, everyone is part of some or the other group. To enhance this experience, WhatsApp is now planning to widen the feature that allows clubbing of 10 or more group as part of wider WhatsApp community. However, this feature is only available to admins who create groups and they can send the messages to multiple groups instantly.

  • WhatsApp logout:
WhatsApp logout is perhaps the most awaited feature that many users have demanded as there is currently no option to logout onself from their account. Other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram have the option of logging out from their accounts. This might also come with a multi-device feature which will allow users to log out of WhatsApp accounts.

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Czar WhatsApp CRM Support Team.


